How many of these questions can you answer “yes”?
I have a regular, steady income | |
I am living within my means. In other words, I do not spend more than I make. | |
I am paying off my student loan debt and I know the longer I take to pay it off, the more it will cost me. | |
I do not have any credit card or payday loan debt. | |
I have an emergency fund of $500 to $1,000 saved for unexpected expenses. | |
I have proper money balance between needs, wants, and savings. | |
I am properly protected with adequate insurance | |
I have a financial plan that includes saving money for retirement and financial goals. | |
I make sure any big ticket purchases such as a house or car or loan will not upset my balanced financial situation and leave me saddled with debt. |
This website will provide information, guidance, resources, and referrals for you to achieve these goals.