Debt Slapped Grad was created to provide you with accurate information you can trust about making good money decisions, and getting and/or staying out of debt.
Check out the tabs above to take control of your financial situation and learn more about managing your money.
This website was created by CENTS, a community non-profit organization, formed to help people build their financial future and avoid getting taken advantage of. This project was made possible by a grant from the Consumer Protection and Education Fund. You can learn more about the creators of this project here.
Here’s an overview of the website:
Charles, New York
Check up: Assess how you think about money and formulate a plan with goals. Credit card companies don’t want you to read this.
Debt: Whether you are in debt or not, you need to understand how debt works because one bad decision can lead to trouble. Also, learn how to make smart borrowing decisions. For those with debt, make a plan to pay it off.
Budgeting 1: Learn about budgeting, a crucial money management skill.
Budgeting 2: Balance your budget and achieve financial balance
Saving: Cut your expenses AND grow your money.
Resources: More on vital money management skills, topics, and resources.
Help: Some tips if you are experiencing a financial crisis
More: Provides more information about the creators of this project, an outline of the website, press, and the opportunity to connect and share your story.
Citizen Action: Explore opportunities to become an active citizen in defense of Generation debt! Get Active. Connect. Share. Do something to bring about positive change.